Franklin Roosevelt

This means that the American people have a choice in making the laws and the right to decide who will be the leader of their nation.

The President chosen in nationwide elections every four years has broad powers. He often represents the US abroad and has the power to conclude treaties with the approval of the Senate.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the only growtopia hack android American President to be elected four times despite being crippled by polio. He held office for twelve years from 1933 to 1945. Roosevelt enjoyed great popularity with the American people. He earned his reputation in the 1930s when there was a worldwide economic depression. visit more information During his presidency he introduced ‘a New Deal for the American ‘people’ and undertook special governmental measures to aid the recovery of the economy. He provided paid employment for the masses of people building dams, roads, bridges, airports, hospitals and public buildings.

He also established the contributory old-age pensions, introduced a program of unemployment insurance and insured minimum wages for workers. Millions of Americans were grateful to him that he remembered ‘the forgotten man at the bottom of the economic pyramid’. As a result of Roosevelt’s our world gem codes cheats online New Deal programs the American economy considerably improved.

During World War II Roosevelt as a fervent advocate of close co-operation with the Allied Nations and an initiator of economic and military aid to the Allies. He was also a co-signatory of the Yalta Act and a co-coordinator of the United Nations.




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